'BHC Summer Catch Up 2023'
Black History Conversations took a break over the summer - thanks to Simon Ferrigno for sorting and posting the recordings of all past 114 sessions of BHC on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmxWaGBmXcY_CV_9G6ie7wA
However, on some Friday afternoons we ran some 'Black History Catch Up' sessions - well that was the plan - however even with Liz Millman back in UK - this didn't quite work out!
We also planned to sort out the BHC website - review Learning Links International CIC and Jamaica Heritage Links - as well as keeping an eye on the Pennants Project and the NWJS projects - Twinning etc
Some of this happened, still most is 'work still in progress' and we held a review and planning session on Friday 22nd September - before starting BHC Season 10 on Friday 29th Sept at 3pm in UK.
Please note this is a working website - with notes and information
We wrapped up Season 8 with Session #100 and with many thanks to all involved.
We then ran Season 9 which includes our 'Windrush 75 Journey'
eg BHC session is on Friday 14th July on Zoom - 2.30pm in UK and 8.30am in Jamaica
Friday 7th July 'Are you a Haplogroup E- African like myself ?’
asked Dr Wilton MacDonald in a simplified introduction to his findings as a world traveller and student of genealogy and history.
Friday 21st April - was a special event !
Click here for the recording: https://youtu.be/5VwGEjugv4k