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#38  Click Here for Recording: https://youtu.be/323zsJCnkEg


Recording will be posted here


Season 3, Session 12: Friday 2nd July 2021 >>

Click here for recording: https://youtu.be/4iXkT9-672Y


Here is the recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMdyAj1BD-M

NB Prof Thomasson prefered that we did not record his presentation and you may wish to jump forward as Prof Sati's presentation is very hard to hear. We hope to present a summary here:  


Click here to watch recrding: https://youtu.be/jNpYGbRtuuU

We will ask Prof Sati to join us again 


Session recording : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WlIOioZ6GI


Click here for the session recording:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMezbdKFhBk


Click here for recording of session: https://youtu.be/FUiGho5ziIM


Click here for recording: https://youtu.be/4V9WpjNb4hU


Season 3, Session 4: Friday 7th May 2021 >>

We welcomed Bernard Jankee, Director of the Jamaica Memory Bank, who introduced the work of the Jamaica Memory Bank, and shared part of a video 'Conversation with Dr Jean Small’ - watch the full presentation on the importance of Storytelling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYVkbyKToyg&t=2s

Then Prof Sati Fwatshat, from Jos University, introduced the ’The Scramble for Africa’ 

and Yasus Afari spoke about his acclaimed book: ‘Overstanding Rastafari: Jamaica’s Gift to the World’ 

Recording is here: https://youtu.be/Yhx0eiiOHeQ


Lawrence Scott is a prize-winning Caribbean novelist and short-story writer from Trinidad & Tobago. He is the recipient of a Lifetime Literary Award for his “significant contribution to the development of Trinidad and Tobago’s Literature” in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of Trinidad and Tobago’s Independence, 1962-2012. He was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 2019.

His latest novel 'Dangerous Freedom' was published by Papillote Press on March 31st 2021. In this radical and moving novel, Scott weaves fact with fiction to reveal "the great deception" exercised by the powerful on a mixed race child born in the late 18th century and brought up in the London home of England’s Lord Chief Justice

Click here for the recording: https://youtu.be/t4PFJrEpvhs


Click Here for the recording of Season 3 Session 2


Session 1  Fri 16th April 2021 at 12.00

Returning Stolen Treasures - The Benin Bronzes

Click here for the session recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRZFvuVG0n4


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