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Black History themes and ideas for future items

We plan for the Black History Lunchtime Lecture Series to roll on throughout the year, working in partnership with a range of historians, researchers and organisations in UK and other countries. 

Our aim is to explore ways to tell aspects of our shared histories in a simple and accessible way, with links to resources for further research and study. 

We are particularly interested in research into stories being udertaken by community researchers, connecting our shared history with local people or local stories. 

The order and content of the sessions will be presented in a 'magazine style' and will be subject to change and in the following weeks, but sessions are planned to cover aspects on the following themes - with lead researchers or organisations:

Livingstone and Stanley: looking at roles of Africans supporting European explorers and other perspectives on the ‘Scramble for Africa’  - Belong Nottingham colleagues, Norbert and Chief Thomas, and Richard Mulinda

Ongoing challenges: history of DRC and Ugandan links with the UK - Norbert and colleagues 

Scotland and Slavery - David Alston and Richard Anderson

Wales and the Slave Trade - Prof Chris Evans and Learning Links International

The Pennants Story - LLI and Caroline Sansome

England and the Slave Trade ???

Windrush - following the story - Levi's father:  Daniel Lawrence 

Stories of the so-called 'Windrush Generation' Jim Thakoordin and Learning Links International 

The history and legacy of indentured Indian (and other Asian) labour and post emancipation challenges

Pre-colonial African history - Prof Sati and Abu Bakr Madden-Al Shabaz

Learning from African and Caribbean Historians - led by Prof Sati Fwatshak and colleagues from UWI

Teaching Black History - Prof Charlotte Williams 

Colonial History - "owning our own madness" Dr Hilary Robertson Hickling

Early Black Presence in Wales and Britain - Belong Nottingham, Learning Links International and Miranda Kauffman

The impact of Rastafari in Britain and around the world, and the story of Emperor Haile Selassie’s UK stay and visits around UK  Yasus Afari, Rastafari Heritage and Jamaican Heritage Links / Learning Links International and Joseph

Aboriginal Rights and the impact of Colonisation, and Welsh Plantation owners in Australia NAIDOC Week in June

Black Languages: Respect and recognition for Caribbean and African Languages - Dr Morgan Dalphinis and LLI

Challenging Racism - recognising importance of statues to tell the story - Prof Sir Geoff Palmer

The importance of textiles - Cotton and Wool - in world trade and the slave trade - Belong Nottingham and LLI

African American Abolitionists - Prof Chris Evans and NWAS and LLI

Historians and Authors from Africa, US, UK and the Caribbean - Prof Sati and UWI rep 

Notes below to remind us of ideas and other suggestions 

TEXTILE  -   Cloth and Culture  - Silk, Cotton, Wool and Bark Cloth

Publishes research in textiles, cloth, and raw materials with their social, personal and cultural meanings in material history and visual culture worldwide.

Interesting stories

'In this article, the photographic artist Joy Gregory reflects on the discovery of the uncataloged archives of couturier Trevor Owen and the 2013 Artists’ Residency that took place at the Beach House, Owen’s home and atelier in Reading, Jamaica.

In 2005, five miles down the coast from Montego Bay, Derek Bishton and his wife Merrise purchased a small beach house retreat in Reading. They discovered among the things left in the property, a store room filled with dressmaking materials: row upon row of stiff patterns hanging from the ceiling, bundles of material, boxes of buttons, and numerous jars of odds and ends, along with several portfolios of designs, newspaper clippings, address books, and notebooks with measurements of former clients. The story of Owen’s 30-year career, the societies in which he moved, the company that he kept and his occupation of a property that was once part of the Tate & Lyle sugar plantation, also unravels the story of Jamaica’s colonial past, that is, the uneven relationship between the island and Europe.

Absent from European and American fashion histories, Owen is recognized in Jamaica as the couturier who dressed wealthy local residents and tourists from Kingston, the wider Caribbean, the USA, and Europe, jet-setters who populated the Montego Bay strip in its hey-day during the 1950s. He is a major figure in Jamaica’s post-Independence fashion industry. This timely article, illustrated primarily by Gregory’s photographs, highlights and responds to his legacy.'

Penrhyn Castle - Caroline Sansome

Black Sailors:

Black Sailors: https://www.facebook.com/pplscollection/

UNESCO History of Africa project:


The Great City of Benin


Levi Lawrence and brother Neil: re Windrush and father Neil Lawrence 

Miranda Kauffman - Black Tudors 


Marie Claire ????  Congolese links


Pauline - Stanleys Wife


Abu Bakr Madden 

Faces of Africa: Haile Selassie, the pillar of a Modern Ethiopia


'Rastafari - Jamaica's Gift to the World'

This title is taken from Yasus Afari's book 'Overstanding Rstafari - Jamaica's gift to the world'

'My research is primarily focused on Rastafari theology. During my MPhil research I explored Rastafari dietary practices in Jamaica and the UK through ethnographic fieldwork, whereas my PhD work examines Rastafari environmental theology through fieldwork in the UK, St. Lucia and New Zealand.'

Joseph Powell ?? Rastafari? 

One More Voice project, which is a continuation of the Livingstone Online project, and is covering the stories of all the African companions on British explorations. Only issue for that one is time, as he is based in central USA.

Jamaican Dr Joseph Farquason 


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