Please note: this is a working site that is updated every week with resources and working
documents lower down in the tabs - you will find some things are 'work in progress' ...
'Exploring Trauma' Click here: if you are interested in the project that we are running on Zoom in July and August 2022.
Last session of BHC Season 6 :
Friday 15th July at 2.00pm UK / 8am in Jamaica
Great session ! Many thanks to all.
Click here to watch this session: apologies - this is a bit restricted visually!
Friday 8th July
Check the link here for the session recording:
Friday 1st July
This week we welcomed Hilary Brown, CEO of Virgo Consulancy, to share her perspectives on the more recent scandal and the challenges that so many people experienced, as well as continuing to follow other stories that we have been hearing about and seeing June-Elizabeth White-Smith-Gulley's photo's taken at the Windrush Memorial unveiling. Moqapi Selassie also joined us from Tanzania, to continue telling us about his family research and his journey into Rastafari.
Here is the link to the session:
Friday 24th June
As we continued to reflect on the Windrush Story - Dr Hilary Robertson Hickling, a leading mental health professional from Jamaica joined us to reflect of the impact of the trauma of more recently events in UK, and the centuaries of trauma inflicted on Africans by the British and other European powers.
Check the recording here:
Friday 17th June
We continued to focus on the time that Empire Windrush travelled from Kingston to Tilbury with June Elizabeth White-Smith-Gully sharing her story, as well as exploring other stories and hearing why we must understand this history better, and it was great to catch up with Prof Sir Geoff Palmer, along with other excellent contributions.Thanks to all contributors.
Recording here in 2 parts: and
Friday 10th June
Here is the link to the recording:
Friday 3rd June
Recording here:
Friday 27th May
74th Anniversary of Departure of Empire Windrush from Kingston
Thanks to everyone who joined the panel to share 'Windrush stories':
Vivian Crawford - Executive Director of the Institute of Jamaica - brought us up to date with the planning which has now started to recognise the 75th Anniversary of the Empire Windrush from Kingston next year and told us a little about the place where the Empire Windrush left on this day 74 years ago. Vivian invited Beverley Lashley, CEO from the Jamaican National Library to join us and we discussed ways we can share the Windrush exhibition that toured Jamaica a few years ago.
Bill Hern - presented an overview of his research into exploring the stories of those who travelled on the Empire Windrush in 1948, explaining the aims, the need, the existing gaps and the emerging patterns. Bill will also share his book on Mona Baptiste with us.
June Elizabeth White Smith Gully read from Benjamin Zephiniah's book 'Windrush Child'
and we welcomed other guests to share their stories and interests: Ina told us a little about her story and promised to share her precious case of memories with us; Moqapi Selassie joined us from Tanzania, to start to share his story as one of 7 children of Jamaican parents - 3 born in Birmingham and 4 who were sent for later.
Horace Barnes from 'Why are West Indian's Here? introduced himself and he will tell us about WAWIH at another session.
We also recognised Africa Day 2022, and Prof Sati Fwakshat from Jos University, Nigeria, joined us before we started recording and told us a little about his local history research - more on this as the important project progresses.
For a summary of this week's powerpoint: Click Here - apologies - not all the links are active!
Recording will be posted here
Dr Velma McClymont joined us to talk about her latest publication:
'Little River' the first of a trilogy about Reparative Historical Fiction
The recording is here
Friday 13th May at 2.00pm UK - recording to be posted asap
The recording is here: Recording No 67
Friday 6th May